Jeremy Tiu, MD, PLLC
Christopher Tiu, MD, PLLC
Hilary Miller, PA-C
Lacy Howard, NP-C
Board Certified in Ear, Nose, and Throat
Head and Neck Surgery
ENT Allergy Clinic
176 Anthoni Avenue
Wheeling, WV
176 Anthoni Avenue, Wheeling.
New facility is located off Oglebay Exit, adjacent to Marriott-
Springhill Suites.
Featuring 8,000 sq ft office with
10 exam rooms, allergy & audiology clinics with ample parking. Situated on over 2 acres with panoramic view of Wheeling.

Board Certified physicians and practitioners providing general Otolaryngology (ENT), Head and Neck Surgery & Allergy care for both adults and children.
Trained to diagnose and manage medical conditions of the ears, nose, sinuses, larynx (voice box), mouth, throat, and structures of the neck and face.
Outpatient clinic services are provided at the office and surgery is performed at Wheeling Hospital and Reynolds Memorial Hospital.
The physicians work closely with local and regional health care providers to ensure quality, comprehensive ENT care. We also provide follow-up care close to home.
Physician Referral Required.
From I-70 E (from Ohio), take the Oglebay Exit (2A), Perkins will be on your left, turn right onto Rt 40/National Rd, pass TJ's Sports Garden & Tim Hortons, look for Springhill Suites & Tiu ENT signs on the right, turn right onto Anthoni Ave, proceed up the hill, the office is on the left, red brick building.
From I-70 W (from Elm Grove), take the Oglebay Exit, pass Kroger on your right. At the 2nd light, turn right at the next light, make another right onto Rt 40/National Rd, pass TJ's Sports Garden & Tim Hortons on the right, look for Springhill Suites & Tiu ENT signs on the right, turn right onto Anthoni Ave, proceed up the hill, the office is on the left, red brick building.
From US-250 (from Marshall Co.), to I-70 E, take Oglebay Exit (2A), Perkins will be on your left, turn right onto Rt 40/National Rd, pass TJ's Sports Garden & Tim Hortons on the right, look for Springhill Suites & Tiu ENT signs on the right, turn right onto Anthoni Ave, proceed up the hill, the office is on the left, red brick building.
The physicians and practitioners have extensive, specialized medical and surgical training to treat and manage the following problems (not limited to):
Ears - hearing loss in adults and children, ear infections, balance disorders, dizziness, tinnitis (ear noise), mastoid disease, ear drum perforation,
ear wax removal
Nose - sinusitis, polyps, nasal obstruction, smell disorders, nose bleeds, deviated septum
Throat - airway problems, tracheostomy, voice and swallowing disorders, tonsil and adenoid (throat) infection, obstructive sleep apnea, hoarseness, reflux, chronic sore throat/infection
Head & Neck - benign (non-cancerous) and malignant (cancerous) tumors, biopsy of lymph nodes and masses, thyroid gland surgical management, vocal cord surgery, radical neck surgery, biopsy of tongue and mouth lesions, biopsy of skin (face and neck) lesions, infections, tongue-tie in infants and children, headaches
Allergy Testing & Immunotherapy (treatment with allergy shots & allergy drops) - Please see the Allergy Page